Building A Healthy Oral Relationship With These Food Items: Expert Shares Winter Dental Care Tips
Food is an integral part of our life. It defines our personality and our mood. Good food keeps our soul happy and tasty food keeps us happy and most of the time it’s a struggle to balance between the two. But if you incorporate these foods into your daily regime it can do wonders to your oral health.
Dr. Gunita Singh, B.D.S., M.D. Dental Lasers shares how to befriend your winter dental care tips
Make friends with
1. An apple a day keeps doctors away. This holds good for dentists too. Apple is also called a natural toothbrush. In fact, all crisp fruits and raw vegetables like carrots, celery and apples help clean plaque and tartar from the teeth. They also reduce cavity-causing bacteria and increase the salivary flow in return keeping the oral cavity clean and healthy.
2. Strawberries- strawberries contain whitening enzyme malic acid and can do wonders for our smile. To get a pair of pearly white teeth rub strawberry directly onto the teeth or make a Purie and rub it like a paste
3. Bananas When we are talking of fruits how can we forget our favourite banana loaded with such amazing minerals potassium magnesium and manganese this fruit can do wonders for our overall health.
4. Mint green tea: Sipping mint green tea after every meal is the best way to maintain oral hygiene provided it’s homemade. It will keep your oral cavity healthy and smelling good. You can do variations of cinnamon and cardamom sometimes.
5. sweet potato is a rich source of vitamins that helps protect the enamel of our teeth and add on to white pearly teeth.
6. Green leafy vegetables healthy dose of vitamins for both gums and teeth spinach being rich in Vit A, Vit B2, vit B12 is at the top of the chart
Let’s add some winter care tips to this:
1. Don’t eat very hot or very cold food this can lead to sensitivity
2. Don’t expose your teeth to the cold wind this can cause sensitivity too
3. When out in a severe cold wear a tooth guard
4. Wearing a scarf can keep your lower jaw and neck warm, and you can move it to cover your mouth if needed
5. Drink water to keep your mouth moist and reduce the risk of cavities. Cold weather can make your mouth dry and decrease saliva production.
6. Maintain good oral hygiene at all times
7. Brushing flossing mouth rinsing and tongue cleaning.
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